Legislative, PTF-ELCAC|

The Provincial Council of Zamboanga del Sur has approved Resolution No. 1106-2021 dated January 7, 2021, commending the Philippine Army’s 53rd Infantry “Matapat” Battalion (53IB) “for its continuous conduct of Army operations to finally end the local communist armed conflict.”

The resolution cited the 53IB as “an active member of Local Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (LTF-ELCAC) in the provincial and municipal levels in addressing the 52-year long problem in communism and terrorism in its area of operation.”

“The continuous Army operation of the 53IB led to the dismantling of HQ KALAW and the Main Regional Guerrilla Unit of the New People’s Army (NPA), the discovery of 27 Communist Terrorist Group (CTG) hideouts, 12 armed encounters with 25 firearms seized, the neutralization of 4 CTG regular members and due to the more intensive intelligence operations and amplified Civil-Military Operations, assisted the capture of 4 CTGs and the surrender of 42 CTGs,” the resolution stated.

“In view of the significant contributions of the 53IB,” the Provincial Council “is deeply overwhelmed by the 53IB in advancing the general welfare of the people of Zamboanga del Sur and thus, finds it fitting to convey its commendation,” the resolution stated.

Lt. Col. Herrera said the successful Army operations against the CPP-NPA in Zamboanga del Sur were conducted with the 97th Infantry “Kalasag Lahi” Battalion led by Lt. Col. Manaros Boransing and the supervision of 102nd Infantry “Igsoon” Brigade led by Brig. Gen. Leonel Nicolas.

“Your Matapat Troopers humbly accept this commendation with assurance that we will continue in our passion the serve the people and secure the Province of Zamboanga del Sur,” 53IB Commanding Officer Lt. Col. Jo-ar Herrera said.

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